Lawns, trees and shrubs.
We can help.

We specialize in maintaining plant health and lawn care
across your landscape.

professional service

About Us

Our leadership brings over 30 years of experience in the landscape industry. We have worked in all aspects of the industry which makes us a great partner for residential, commercial and municipal properties.

We understand how to create value for our customers to maintain a healthy, sustainable landscape…


Create a lawn program that aligns the clients needs with their budget...

Lawn Care

Create maintenance programs that support the overall health and beauty of trees and shrubs in the landscape...

Plant Health Care

Landscape consultation designed to educate the customer about their trees and shrubs...

Lawn Care

Love Your Lawn

We design our lawn programs to find a balance between the customers wants and best practices for a healthy environment. We analyze the soils to ensure we are providing the nutrients the turf needs to thrive. The best defense against weeds in your lawn is healthy turf.

Plant Health Care

Healthy Happy Plants

Plant health plays a vital role in not only the beauty of a landscape but also the sustainability of that landscape. Our focus is providing your trees and plants with treatments tailored to their specific needs. There is no one size fits all when it comes to treating plants.

expert advice


At Mint Environmental, we offer a comprehensive landscape consultation that can answer any questions you may have about your landscape or guide you in transforming you outdoor space. Whatever your goals, our team of certified professionals are here to help.


Our Clients

Commercial, Residential & Municipal Solutions



For residential clients, we offer a wide array of comprehensive programs ensuring vibrant and healthy outdoor space. From your trees to your lawn we can assist. Read More...


For commercial clients, we understand that well-maintained landscapes can enhance the visual appeal of your business premises and create a positive impression. Read More...


In the municipal sector we specialize in sustainability for the landscape as well as vegetation management. We are equipped to provide service to large trees in public spaces. Read More...



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